I chase excitement.

Curiosity and enthusiasm are what drive Isaac Johnston.

He's his own boss. Years ago, Isaac Johnston traded his office job for a life as a storyteller and lifestyle photographer. Today, the American from Montana lives for unexpected experiences and loves exciting and inspiring places. Above all, nature holds a special allure for him.   

An adventure doesn't have to be something big and epic. It can be anything that fascinates you. When you leave your comfort zone, you experience something new and exciting. »

Isaac Johnston

At the point where others turn around, Isaac keeps going.

At the point where others turn around, Isaac keeps going.

Isaac has been overcoming obstacles on motorcycles since he was a kid. At the age of 6, he learned to start his uncle's motorcycle, and by the age of 13 he owned his own. Today, the BMW F 750 GS is his key to a world full of possibilities and extraordinary moments. The point where other people turn around is exactly where things get interesting for Isaac, whether he's rafting, kayaking or mountain biking. He's always curious and is rewarded with surprises.

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Height (cm)
Motorcycle experience (in years)
Most powerful bike ever ridden (in ccm)

Motivation: exciting moments.

When Isaac worked in an office, he lacked passion. He tried to take on responsibility, but didn't consider himself very successful. Now he's quenching his thirst for adventure. "Discomfort is exciting to me. When things get comfortable, that's when I know I'm headed in the wrong direction". TV and video games bore him. He enjoys spontaneous activities the most. "Everything that inspires me is in nature. I have to go out, do cool things and tell a story about it – with and without the motorcycle".

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Living a chosen lifestyle means not knowing what tomorrow will bring. »

Isaac Johnston

What makes Isaac's engine run.

What makes Isaac's engine run.

"People are truly themselves when they're excited about something", says Isaac. He lives and feeds off such moments. "It's like a driving force". When he feels other peoples' energy, it motivates him. That's also the reason why Isaac loves going on adventures and motorcycle trips with his friends. He shares his stories on Instagram so that a larger community can be inspired by his experiences and photos. His stories generate excitement, and that energises him.  

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New perspectives, surprising experiences.

New perspectives, surprising experiences.

Repetition bores Isaac. He never visits places more than once. "But I do repeat the same activities: hiking, swimming, riding motorcycles, mountain biking". There's nothing else he'd rather be doing. At the same time, he's constantly changing perspectives, which are part of his stories. For him, it's not about big adventures. Even a walk along a river can turn into a surprising moment. "Maybe you decide to go for a swim even though the river's almost frozen over. If you do something crazy, something unexpected, even a walk can be exciting". 

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Riding motorcycles means meeting up with friends.

Isaac doesn't always have a destination in mind when he sets out. For him, taking off on the spur of the moment is the start of an adventure. "I just climb on my motorcycle and end up somewhere in the mountains". Some people go jogging to clear their head, Isaac rides his motorcycle. He enjoys meeting up with other adventurers and like-minded riders from the community. "You'd have to hike for a week to find the places we discover on our bikes. That's the kind of riding I enjoy most".  

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What makes my engine run? Seeing other people excited. »

Isaac Johnston


Suitable motorcycles.
